Becoming the Magician of Beauty: The Ethical Con-Man's Guide to Success

“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, 'Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous?' Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It's not just in some of us; it's in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.”
Marianne Williamson,

In the relentless pursuit of success, many find themselves tangled in a web of ceaseless doing, where the end goal is always just out of reach. But what if I told you that true success isn't about chasing after fleeting victories? It’s about embodying the principles that make victories inevitable. Yes, that's the magic I work with, helping people not just achieve but become their version of success, using age-old yet ever-fresh strategies of persuasion and influence.

The Art of Persuasion: More Than Just Getting to Yes

When clients first step into my arena, they're often looking for tools to rack up more affirmatives in their lives—be it clinching a client, sealing a deal on favorable terms, or crafting compelling marketing narratives that naturally draw people in. This is where I introduce them to the foundational powers of persuasion and influence.

But let’s get one thing straight: these aren’t just tricks or hacks. These principles are as ancient as the first trades done in dusty marketplaces where cave people bartered shells. And guess what? They’ll still be relevant when we're in the era of supply chain biology - growing cars or houses by simply downloading the “recipe and tapping “go” on a screen. That's the timelessness of the art I teach.

True Success: Wanting What You Get

However, here’s a little truth bomb for you, courtesy of the great teacher Paramahansa Yogananda: "You don’t achieve success, you become it." This nugget of wisdom is at the heart of my philosophy. Persuasion can indeed make your path smoother. It can improve your sales pitches, enhance your margins, and expand your digital following. But there's a limit to what achieving through persuasion can offer if it's not paired with genuine fulfillment.

Achieving success might bring joy when milestones are reached, but becoming successful changes the game. It's about aligning so deeply with your values and capabilities that the external successes become a natural extension of your inner achievements.

Flipping the Script: From Do-Have-Be to Be-Do-Have

The common paradigm traps many in a cycle of endless doing: believing they must DO more to HAVE more so that they might BE someone. It's a disheartening loop that promises happiness just around the next bend, yet it never delivers. The paradigm I advocate flips this on its head. Start by BEING successful—define what that means on your terms, live it, breathe it. From this state of being, the DOING happens effortlessly, and the HAVING? Well, it just naturally follows.

Scarcity: The Ethical Use of a Powerful Principle

Scarcity is a principle often misunderstood and misused. The real magic of scarcity isn’t about limiting resources or setting timers; it’s about understanding and embodying your unique value. You are the scarce resource! There is no one else like you, and this inherent rarity, when embraced, is incredibly persuasive.

Walking Scarcity: The Path of the Ethical Con-Man

Here's where the concept of the "Ethical Con-Man" comes into play—a provocative term, I know! But it captures the essence of using persuasive powers for good. An Ethical Con-Man doesn’t manipulate scarcity; they embody it. They are authentically rare, authentically themselves, and this authenticity draws people in, fosters trust, and builds lasting relationships.

From Persuasion to Presence: The Journey to Authentic Self

The ultimate goal in our journey toward genuine success isn't merely to persuade others but to cultivate such authenticity that our very presence becomes persuasive. This path isn't about adding more layers to our persona; it's about stripping away the societal expectations and cultural conditionings that have obscured our true selves. We aim to unearth the person we were before society scripted our roles, reclaiming our original essence that existed before we were told who or what we should be. This profound process is about liberation, not just from external constraints but from the internal ones we've unknowingly accepted.

Many find that reaching this state of authentic self requires more than traditional self-help methods—it needs a catalyst for deeper change. This is where innovative therapies, particularly psychedelic-assisted therapy, come into play. Research has shown that these therapies can effectively dismantle the fortresses of self-deception that keep us from our true selves. By temporarily quieting the brain's default mode network, which is responsible for our ego and self-referential thoughts, psychedelic therapies allow individuals to experience a state of 'ego dissolution.' This state not only offers a panoramic view of one's life and choices but also promotes a psychological rebirth that can feel as profound as seeing oneself for the first time.

This reconnection with the authentic self is not just about recognizing our desires and aversions; it's about understanding our intrinsic worth and unique place in the world. It is a journey of realizing that success comes not from external accolades or accomplishments but from aligning deeply with our inner truths and living a life that reflects those truths every day. Such a journey transforms presence into a powerful act of persuasion—not through intention but through the sheer force of being genuinely aligned with one's essence.

Inviting You to the Magic

So, if you’re tired of the rat race, if you’re disillusioned with the empty promises of conventional success, I invite you to join me. Let’s explore the magic of becoming genuinely successful—together. Let’s not just do different things; let’s be different. Let’s be magicians of our own lives, conjuring a reality where success is not just something we achieve, but something we are.

Remember, becoming a success isn’t about the applause at the end of the road; it’s about the quiet confidence that comes from knowing you are living your truth, every step of the way. Let’s embark on this journey together. Be a magician of beauty in your world, and watch as the universe conspires to fill your path with abundance and ease.

Transform Your Influence with my Ethical Conman Training

Are you ready to delve into the art of persuasion and influence from a place of profound depth, holistic understanding, and wisdom? If mastering the nuances of genuine influence rather than just learning superficial tactics like installing countdown timers on your website appeals to you, then the Ethical Conman course is exactly what you've been searching for.

Join me for an eight-week journey into the principles of persuasion—Reciprocity, Unity, Liking, Authority, Consistency, Social Proof, Scarcity, and Contrast. This course goes beyond traditional methods by not only teaching you how to effectively apply these principles but also how to embody them, transforming you into a master of ethical persuasion.

If you're ready to become persuasion in action, to influence with integrity and create lasting impacts, then don't hesitate. Contact me today, and let's embark on this transformative journey together.

Discover the power of becoming the principles of persuasion, and see how they can dramatically enhance every aspect of your personal and professional life. Join the Ethical Conman training now—where real change begins with you.


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